The Emperor at the End of the World An Amazing Adventures Novel

CL, Shanghai Lil, Bill Mills, and Ed Green work to prevent Horst Sterling Rosefeld from destroying the entire planet!

$6 postpaid


Hallowe’en Funnies

Three rollicking spoofs of favorite Universal monster films, starring the Woodland Players in “Gregula”, “Son of Frankenstoad”, and “The Toad Frog”.

$3 postpaid


Warbird An Amazing Adventures Novel

The Femmes Fatales of the OSS and the mysterious Rocket Ranger team up to regain control of an orbiting space weapon under the control of the fiendish Dragon!

$6 postpaid


William Mills Sings The Songs of Amazing Adventures

CL’s b-b-butte b-b-buddy, backed by his cybertronic cowboy band, sings a clutch of classic western tunes as done by Slim Rafferty in the “Trail Riders” series, including “The Gila Monster’s Lament” by CLJII. Available on CD or tape.

$10 (please state format preference) postpaid.



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